FL Region Nar-Anon Family Groups

Florida Region

The Florida Region Nar-Anon Family Groups (FRNFG) is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The structure consists of the regional service committee (RSC) and the regional service assembly (hereafter assembly).


View:  2024-25 FL Region Schedule



Assembly Meetings

The Florida Region has four assemblies (meetings) per year (2 in-person, 2 virtual).  Assembly meeting schedule is published on the News & Events webpage.  Group Service Reps (GSR) attend area meetings and region assemblies, vote their group's conscience, brings the group's viewpoints on any situation or problem concerning Naranon to the assembly, and reports back to their group on the proceedings of these events.   The GSR webpage contain more information about Region Assemblies.  The GSR (or in their absence, alternate GSRs or group substitutes) must submit an *Assembly Registration Form in order to vote at the assembly.



FL Region Policies & Guidelines

*FL Region Guidelines (FLRG)  rev 2023.09.09

*FL Region Motion Form (PDF)

*FL Region Motion Form (Word)

The Florida Region Guidelines (FLRG), was adopted unanimously at the Regional Assembly 9/22/2018. The purpose of the FLRG is to guide our regional trusted servants in the service elements of our region that make us distinct and unique from other regions. The GLS (Guide to Local Services 2023) and GWS (Guide to World Services 2023-25) are the main guiding documents for the region and FLRG is meant to supplement and not replace the GLS and GWS. Any issue not covered by the aforementioned documents will be decided at the Florida Region Assembly through a motion (click here for the FL Region Motion Form) by the voting members.


updated: 12/17/2024


Region Reports & Minutes

(abbreviation:  YE = year end)

03/08/25 - assembly minutes, draft

02/05/25 RSC minutes, draft

12/09/24 - virtual assembly minutes, approved

09/14/24 - assembly minutes, approved

07/28/2024 - RSC minutes, approved

04/28/24 RSC Minutes, approved

03/09/24 - assembly minutes, approved

02/04/24 - RSC minutes, approved





2023 Minutes - 2/19, 3/4, 5/7, 6/11, 7/30, 9/9, 10/22, 12/10

2022 Minutes - 3/26, 6/12, 7/31, 9/10, 11/13, 12/11

2021 Minutes - 3/1; 5/17 RSC, 6/13; 9/18; 12/12

2020 Minutes - 3/7; 3/18; 4/8; 6/7; 6/28; 7/12; 7/19; 9/12; 11/13; 12/13

2019 Minutes - 2/17; 3/16; 6/23; 7/21; 9/14; 9/17; 9/29; and 12/8

2018 Minutes - 2/18; 2/24; 3/24; 6/24; 9/22; 12/16

2017 Minutes - 3/11; 6/11; 10/14; 12/3/17

2016 Minutes - 3/11; (missing 6/16 minutes); 9/10; 12/11

2015 Minutes - 2/21; 6/20; 8/16; 9/19

2014 Minutes - 2/22; 5/30; 9/6

2013 Minutes - 2/22; 3/24; 4/28; 5/18; 6/23; 8/25; 9/28

2012 Minutes - 1/29; 2/11; 3/25; 4/22; 5/19; 6/24; 7/22; 9/22; 10/28; 11/25; 12/23

2011 Minutes - 1/23; 2/19; 5/1; 5/23; 6/26; 7/24; 8/28; 9/17; 10/23; 11/20

2010 Minutes - 1/24; 2/20; 3/28; 4/25; 5/23; 6/27; 7/25; 8/22; 9/25; 11/28; 12/9

2009 Minutes - 1/31; 2/22; 2/28; 4/4; 4/26; 5/24; 6/13; 7;26; 9/12; 11/22

2008 Minutes - 1/10; 1/12; 9/7; 9/28; 10/11; 12/8 (with redactions)

2007 Minutes - 1/28; 6/30; 9/29; 10/28

2006 Minutes - 7/27; 8/27; 9/24; 12/20