Newcomers & Members
What is Nar-Anon? The Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else's addiction. As a Twelve-Step Program, we offer our help by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. Our program of recovery uses our Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts.
Joining is easy - just attend a meeting (click here to find a Florida Region Nar-Anon meeting). There are no dues or fees. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. You will hear others, who are going through similar problems, talk about how they cope and find recovery. Not sure? Read Do You Need Nar-Anon? Have questions? Nar-Anon FAQ may answer them! Read more...
* 20 Questions - Is Narateen for Me?
* Teen Outreach pamphlet [PDF]
* What will I find at Nar-Anon?
* 20 Questions - Do I need Nar-Anon?
* Nar-Anon offers Hope pamphlet [PDF]
* New To Nar-Anon or Thinking About Attending a Meeting? [PDF]
* Nar-Anon Family Groups website:
* Find a Nar-Anon Meeting outside FL Region
* Can't attend a meeting in-person? Some FL Region groups have set up hybrid, teleconference & virtual meetings.
* Click here to view NFG WSO listing of meetings world-wide, in 12 languages!
Need Literature? Nar-Anon Webstore
may order Conference Approved Literature (CAL) online through the
Webstore. If you need assistance, please visit
Nar-Anon Literature FAQ or contact View the
Literature Order Form here. NEW!
Nar-Anon Web-Store Gift Cards.
FREE digital literature available:
Serenity Connection Newsletter
Service Literature
Nar-Anon eBooks
Nar-Anon FGH, Inc. makes select titles
of our literature available for digital purchase as eBooks, so members can
read on their tablets, smartphones, and computers.
To purchase Nar-Anon eBooks, please visit the store where you normally buy books for your particular device (*iBooks, *Kindle, *Google and *Nook). If you haven't purchased digital books, check your apps on smart devices for purchasing options and/or put "Nar-Anon FGH" in your search engine to find available options.
*In following Tradition 6, we do not affiliate with or endorse these ebook platforms. They are tools for providing members with eBooks of Nar-Anon literature.
ebooks available in 4 languages:
view Narateen ebooks in English & Spanish
digital titles include:
SESH - Sharing Experience, Strength, & Hope *iBooks, Kindle, Google
Nar-Anon Blue Booklet (2021 Revision) *iBooks, Kindle, Google
Thirty-One Days in Nar-Anon *iBooks, Google, Kindle
Nar-Anon Newcomer's Booklet (blue booklet +newcomer packet combined) *iBooks, Kindle, Google
Narateen Twelve Step Workbook *iBooks, Kindle, Google
Questions on Sponsorship *iBooks, Kindle, Google, Nook
Serenity Connection Collection Volume I *Kindle, Google, Nook
Serenity Connection Collection Volume II *iBooks, Kindle, Google, Nook
Sharing the Slogans *iBooks, Kindle, Google & Nook
Continuing Our Journey After Loss *iBooks, Kindle, Google, Nook
Grandparents' Stories *iBooks, Kindle, Google, Nook
Our Traditions - Principles for Groups and Beyond *iBooks, Kindle, Google
Magic of Sponsorship *iBooks, Kindle , Nook, Google
The Nar-Anon Twelve Step Program *iBooks, Kindle, Nook, Google
Nar-Anon 36 Steps 1-12 *iBooks, Kindle, Nook, Google
Men Sharing Their Experience, Strength, and Hope *iBooks, Kindle, Nook, Google
Nar-Anon Pamphlets for Recovery (19 pamphlets combined) *iBooks, Kindle, Nook, Google
Nar-Anon Pamphlets for Service & Outreach (21 pamphlets combined) *iBooks, Kindle, Google
4th Step Workbook, a Collection of Inventories *iBooks, Kindle, Google
*In following Tradition 6, we do not affiliate with or endorse these ebook platforms. They are tools for providing members with eBooks of Nar-Anon literature
Service Opportunities
In Nar-Anon, we have found that doing service work has been helpful in
our recovery. There are many ways a member may choose to help promote
the growth of Nar-Anon. Ways you can help is within your own group:
*as GSR, Secretary or Treasurer
*or perhaps your group has a welcome
or outreach committee
*or simply to help set up the room or put things
away after the meeting
*another way is to participate in the Region or
Area committees.
The Nar-Anon Family Groups service structure is in place to support the groups, the members, and ultimately the newcomer. "To fulfill our fellowship's primary purpose, the Nar-Anon Family Groups have joined together to create a structure that develops, coordinates, and maintains services on behalf of Nar-Anon as a whole." -- Nar-Anon Family Groups Concept One
As members and as a group, we support the service structure through our group donations and taking on service commitments at the level of area, region, and beyond. The service structure in turn provides member services such as guidelines, literature, newsletters, conventions and much more.
The Florida Region extends an open invitation for members and GSR's to participate in our committees: the Convention, Helpline, Outreach, Narateen and Website Committees. The only requirement is a desire to serve others, to bring the good news of Nar-Anon to those in need. Interested? Please Contact Us!
Copyright Nar-Anon World Services, Inc.; reprinted with permission.